Watch my talk: "How to Reclaim Your Best Life in 12 Weeks"

Should I Quit My Job
and Go Independent?

Lessons From the Laughing Buddha

My New Years
Resolution for Life

Unspoken considerations and hidden realities of the independent creative path.




What we can learn from this laughing bafoon and why everyone needs to have one at their desk.

An on-going practice, maybe
 my whole life's purpose.

How to Enjoy
The Waiting

Finding joy and wonder when
the vision isn't totally clear.
A practical guide.


Key Insights to Embrace New Directions

Notes from the forest on opening new life chapters, even if they seem irrelevant to our past experiences.

Embracing Life's Natural Curvature

Honoring the shape of life and allowing it to guide you to balanced clarity.



Embracing Life's
Natural Curvature

Honoring the natural shape of life and allowing it to carry you into balanced clarity. 


How to Give 
Without Being Burned

On giving in a world of taking, whether it's still worth it, and the hidden key to the majesty of life. 


How to Give
Without Being Burned

On giving in a world of taking, whether it's worth it, and the hidden key to the majesty of life.


On Honoring
Our Contractions

How to recognize the call, why it's important, and how to approach it in your everyday life.


On Honoring
Our Contractions

How to recognize the call, why it's important, and how to approach contractions in our everyday life.


Notes from the Costa Rican Jungle

A transformative travelogue from the most biodiverse region in the world, the Osa Peninsula.


My Journey into the Costa Rican Wilderness

A transformative travelogue from the most biodiverse region in the world, the Osa Peninsula.


How to Dance
With Time

If you feel like you never have enough time, this is for you. 4 things to do to slow down time.


How to Dance
With Time

If you feel like you never have enough time, this is for you. 4 things to do to slow down time.


My Rumi Encounter in the Troodos Mountains

A mini adventure in the Cypriot mountains and an essential insight for moving into a gentle, kinder reality.


My Encounter with Rumi in the Troodos Mountains

A mini adventure in the Cypriot mountains and an essential insight for moving into a gentle, kinder reality.


The Hidden Power of Stories On Your Life

Insights from an old Austrian farm, where I hit the wall of my own story and realized the source of judgement.


The Hidden Power of Stories On Your Life

Insights from an old Austrian farm, where I hit the wall of my story and realized where judgement comes from.


Build Your Beautiful New Chapter with Dandan

Signature offering


Ready to live your best life? 

Explore >

A 12 week online program which fully equips you to live life as your unique work of art.

Join us for this playful, creative, and systematic pilgrimage through your inner landscape. Unlearn the biggest barriers to your dreams, discover what you truly want, and learn all the skills needed to turn this vision into a reality. 

Best of all-  work through this process from your own home, with the support of Dandan and a global community finding their way just like you. 

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